Welcome to Function

Run Python functions on mobile, web, and in the cloud.

Bring a Jupyter notebook with a predict function, and we'll compile the function to run either on-device or server-side.

Installing Function

Function provides clients for Python, JavaScript, Unity Engine, and the command line interface (CLI):

Function also provides Discord and Slack bots to make predictions right in your team conversations:

Make predictions in any conversation with the `/predict` slash command.

Make predictions in any conversation with the `/predict` slash command.

We have iOS (Swift) and Android (Java/Kotlin) clients coming soon!

Logging in to Functon

After installing the Function CLI (see above), head over to fxn.ai to create an access key:

generate access key

Next, login to Function CLI with your access key:

# Open a terminal and run the following command
fxn auth login <ACCESS KEY>

Making a Prediction

Now let's make a prediction with the Stable Diffusion model which generates an image based on a text prompt. Run the following command:

# Generate an image from a text prompt using Stable Diffusion
fxn predict @samples/stable-diffusion --prompt "An astronaut riding a horse on mars"


Join the Party

At this point, you've seen what Function is all about. Before getting into the weeds, here are a few useful links:

Come get ideas on how others are thinking of integrating AI into their workflows and products.

You can open issues for any bugs and get technical help on our GitHub.